Juggy, maskot baru untuk Java User Groups... berikut ini petikan dari..
java.net :
Juggy is a member of a strong and numerous family of Java users..... Juggy is also in very good terms with a closer cousin, the penguin Tux, although he prefers flying and hot climates. Many of Juggy's relatives will be attending JavaOne this coming week.
Maskot ini diambil dari burung pipit jawa (java finch?), sering terlihat di halaman rumah saya.. huehuhe...
Linux dan Java, pasangan yang serasi....
long live JUG!!! long live JAVA!!!
gak sabar nunggu apache harmony sama mustang (walaupun fitur-fitur tiger juga belum terkuasai secara efektif ;p).. must learn faster neeeh!!